How Often You Should Send Your Emails

Timing is one of the important things about email marketing. With CTR (click-through rates) as low as 2 percent for some industries, scheduling your email marketing emails and knowing how often to send them are the best ways to improve results.

If you bombard your email list with emails, your subscribers will begin to shrink ar a rapid pace. Too many emails make your subscribers think to unsubscribing.

Stats of industry

Consider your competitors, look at them and see how many email marketing emails they send in a week, and also check their ROI too. But, you should not blatantly copy your competitors’ strategy. You should customize your strategy for your needs.

Product or services nature

The number of email marketing emails you send largely depends on what you offer to your customers. For instance, if you are marketing air conditioners, you would be sending more email marketing emails in the summers.

The email nature

Knowing the goal of your email is important. Are you wanting to make people purchase a product, or are you wanting to make people fill out a form? According to reports, the CTR of your first email marketing email is the highest. You should try to come to the point in the first email unless you are building curiosity.


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