Email Marketing in the New Normal

New normal

How much has changed in the last 7-8 months due to the pandemic, right? When we look back, we can see that many of our habits have disappeared and that we form new ones. Don’t you start to be freaked out when you see a big, crazy party in a movie you watch? Like “Dude, Covid?!”. Yes, welcome to the new normal.

The new normal has led to great changes in our business life as it changed our social habits. Now that people have started working at home, screen times have increased, communication habits have changed and marketing strategies and buying habits have also been completely renewed. The epidemic period may be more difficult, especially for a transforming small business. So, does it mean that I can find many more customers with email marketing? No guarantee of course but you can increase your dignity and reputation. How? Let’s begin.

E-mail Marketing is the Bridge Between Brand and Customers

Email marketing is mostly not a sales method. Email marketing ensures a loyalty relationship between you and your customers who are already working with you. Now that you know that almost all of your customers are online in the new normal, you should be more interested in them. Maybe you should start by changing your content. Content is the key!

For example, your headline should be direct to the point and clear, so is the main body of your email. At this point, your clients don’t need a long and wordy email. Letting them know that you are still here for them, safe and sound, is enough. 

Maybe, you can start with a simple “thank you” email. Telling your customers that you appreciate their support during these tough times and explaining to them how you work in the new normal can make a difference. Again keep it short and simple.

Explain Yourself Clearly (Transparency)

Our working environments and habits are changed, tell your customers how you work, what changed for your business. This helps you to have an instant connection with your customers. Because in hard times everybody wants to be understood, be the one who understands them and maybe lead them.

Tell them which strategies and options you created and which steps you took in the new normal and then ask about them. Ask what they think. This is the best time for feedback, what needs improvement, what services do they need, or even what would help them stay more isolated, and then shape your services based on feedback.

Create Opportunities for Your Customers

Pandemic not only changed our social lives and habits but also caused many people to have economic difficulties. This may have caused some of your customers to be inactive. Create new opportunities for them. You can offer discounts, payment options that show you didn’t forget them and got their back, or offer them your service for 1 month for free.

As we said at the beginning, e-mail marketing is not always for selling products, it’s mostly a steady connection, a bridge. Keep your customers on your side by supporting and emphasize with them, they’ll already spread your service.

What About Your Future in the New Normal?

Observe the new normal and see the opportunities for you. It’s about adaptation, new chances, and how you react and take steps to your new future. See what people need and observe their behaviors and focus on it. 

Today, everything is dynamic. Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher said, “Change is the only constant in life.” He said this almost 2.500 years ago and today we can see what he means. Change is everywhere, happens every day. See the change and ready to make decisions daily because everything changes almost every day. In the end, you’ll be the change itself.

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